Vertigo— I can’t say the treatment fixed everything yet, but there might be some improvement. I am not spinning as fast when I lie down or get up from bed but there’s still some dizziness. I feel a bit ‘off’ whenever I move my head throughout the day too. It’s a weird feeling. I feel off balance as if I am about to fall sometimes, but I didn’t so far. I also have blurred vision. My neck and the lower back of my head hurt from wearing the cervical collar for two days after the treatment. It didn’t help that I slept on the reclining chair those nights as directed by the audiologists after the treatment.  My ears still hurt some since they blew warm air into them during the ENG test. I feel more pressure too.

Yesterday, I talked to the audiologist who treated me for BPPV last Friday. He said some dizziness was expected and that it was unlikely that my spinning would completely go away after just one treatment.

He asked if they called me from the office for a doctor’s appointment. I told him the secretary who called suggested that I see this doctor who was both an ENT and a neurologist since I wanted to see both. Well, it turns out that was wrong information. The doctor I was recommended was only an ENT who specializes in ear and surgery. (Great news for me, I still don’t have an appointment with a neurologist!)

The soonest appointment they said they had was for June 18! I already had to wait for over 3 weeks for the ENG test before they could diagnose and treat my vertigo. I had to call and beg them to move it to a sooner date. For a change I got lucky, I was able to move it up to May 15. So now I am going to see a new ENT who will probably have to do another treatment for the BPPV, and who will hopefully be better in helping with my smell disorders, or at least refer me to a decent neurologist who can detect the extent of nerve damage.

Smell— I am still smelling the nasty snot/crap like stink in my nose. The burning in my mouth improved in the past week but still no break from dysosmia. Sometimes, I might even get a little hint of a different odor from smelling Speedstick deodorant, but the nasty smell usually takes over. The shampoo and soap type smells worsen this unpleasant odor in my nose. How I miss a clean fresh smell after a shower!..

Taste–No improvement. I taste the same horrid smell that’s in my nose. It gets transferred to my throat as I eat. I quit eating meat and chicken. Chicken smells and tastes gross. I’ve been eating mostly fish and salad lately. It’s not like I can taste anything but at least fish doesn’t taste bad like chicken does. I guess fish is mild and bland enough that it doesn’t add any more to the bad taste in my throat. Let’s just say that meal times are not my favorite times of the day. I certainly miss cooking and the nice food smells like lemon, garlic, and baked goods…

Temporal bone fracture–Now that I am off steroids, I feel the headaches and pulsing pain in my head a lot more. If I move my head in a wrong way, the pain gets worse. Stress doesn’t help either. I try to hold and massage the back of my head to ease the pain. My left shoulder pain (from a previous accident in December) is quite bothersome lately too. I haven’t taken any painkillers this week.